Friday, October 17, 2008

Popiel's Menu is on-line!! (Or, what I do in the office everyday...)

Popiels' restaurant is back on-line!! I am so happy. Even if I created the site, I love having the menu available when ever I want to look at it. :)

When I tell people that I am co-owner of The Seven Sisters Computer Consultants. The reply back to me....and what does that mean???

Like most small business owners, my day consists of whatever is necessary at that moment!

As we approach the start of our 5th year of business in November here in the Crowsnest Pass, I must say there have been a lot of changes in our personal lives, our business and the Crowsnest Pass. Change is good; it is the only constant in life.

So to answer the question above:

1. I do the administrative work and all necessary reports for GST and with Alberta Recycling Management Association, and the accountant who gets our books at the end of the year.

2. I do one-on-one computer training which is usually software related. I teach individuals and/or offices how to use email, surf the net, use Microsoft Office Suite products (Word, Excel, Publisher, etc.), how to use digital cameras and just about anything that makes folks more comfortable with their computers. I find great joy in the training aspect. It is this part of our busienss that led me to JoAnn Callbeck (or rather her to me) who did the non-credit computer training classes for CNP Adult Education. For the last year I have done the majority of the non-credit computer courses for Toni Gfrerer and her board of directors at the Crowsnest Centre. As with the ebb and flow of life, I do not know where the spring courses will be held but I am hopeful they will still be located somewhere in the Pass. I have and do enjoy the classes and, again, I am hopeful that this part of our service will continue to be of service to the residents of the area.

3. I help local (and sometimes not so local) businesses take their business presence on-line. Like the link to Popiel's above.

I don't want to forget anyone so I'm only going to list 5 today and then another time 5 more and so on and so forth. Perhaps I will go back in time for my list.....

Today I am working on a brand new website: When Bonnie and I meet next week there will be more content. I do love her butterfly logo.

Popiel's went live a couple of weeks ago so that people could view the menus on-line.

Also this week, I did seasonal updates to .

And yesterday I did some minor changes to Keith's website which was revamped in September when he was here on holiday from his houseboat in B.C.! We are so going to go visit him there.

I recently did some changes for Sarah-Dash Arbuckle. Her website is located at This website really has a reflection of her soul. I just love it and she's a pleasure to know and work with.

Well...that's five....but I didn't get to mention or or or or or or or....well, I guess you get the idea.

I'll keep this topic going sometimes so you can see what some of the local businesses and organizations are up to.

Happy Surfing!


ps sorry for any mistakes in links or spelling. Will check links and spelling later; I've run out of time today....

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Oct in the Mountains - winter's blowing in....

First, I forgot my fav pic from main street yestersday:

It rained here in the valley.
And snowed in the mountain tops.

West side of Turtle Mountain (Frank Slide on north side) from Blairmore.

West side of Turtle Mountain (Frank Slide on north side) from Blairmore.