Monday, May 25, 2009

Chinook Lake - What a difference 2 weeks makes!

Chinook Lake, Alberta, Canada
May 24, 2009 (versus May 15, 2009 two posts below)
We spent the afternoon there and it was beautiful. Saw some old friends and made some new friends!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 10 2009 We made it to Chinook Lake

We made it to Chinook Lake this morning. Allison Road is clear of snow all the way to the camping areas on top. May 10, 2009 - Mother's Day
The lake is still frozen over. You can see animal prints in the snow onto of the ice on the lake.

This is the second cuvre coming down to the lake. It's the worse. But very intimitating looking for sure. While we were at the bottom at the lake, someone else came down to this area and turned their big truck around on the hill and went back up. Wimps!

A shot from Camping area 41, first one on the south side towards north. Other camping area still closed off.

A shot from Camping Area 41 to the south. Roads and camping areas still loaded with snow. A lot will have to melt this week for camping here next weekend for the May Long Weekend. Doubtful for us with Gabby. Soon though, soon!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Finally, spring is coming to the valley!

Here is an article about the pics below:
From the cemetery side of Highway 3. Looking down onto Blairmore this morning May 2, 2009 as the sun was coming over the mountains about 8:00 a.m. Looking south from the north side of the highway off of 129th - Central Access.
Ying and Yang, on the edge of the universe!
View looking west towards British Columbia.
The Pass PowderKeg Ski hill