Thursday, November 6, 2008

Pumpkins in the Park - CNP Style Nov 1, 2008

Pumpkins in the Park

For many years, how many I do not know (sounds like the start of any good story...)....
The day after Halloween or November 1 to those of you not in the know....
The winds begin to blow....
Pumpkins roll and roll and roll and westward roll....
Pumpkins gather by the hundreds at Flumerfelt Park, Coleman, Alberta, Canada.
Some come one by one and others....rally the troops as they head into town.
This one reminds me of someone I've seen in Coleman...could this be his pumpkin soul?
Roll on and into town they do....
Some stand guard and look friendly enough...but don't get too close!
For a pumpkin can and will show you just want it means to be two-faced!If you are too loud, they whisper for Casper's Uncles to show and say BOO! So they gather for the final round-up and play follow the leader.
And his girlfriend, too.
Even piglet was there.
And his friend owl...but no sign of least not the Bear kind.
And to round off the day...full of candy and pumpkins and up too late...swing high and swing low but swing we must!
Ollie was remind of us the joke of it all.
But there is truth is the power of the pumpkins. For the next day, the moon shined in the day.
And the snow clouds came to the moutains around the valley of Crowsnest Pass.
Come to play...but be ware...of the Pumpkins in the Park!
This story was written by Toni Jackson and all photos taken by my own Pumpkin Michael Jackson. Pumpkins carved, decorated and gathered by the goulish souls of the Crowsnest Pass.
This story is dedicated to my friend Laura who wants to know if they have Halloween in Canada?


John Prince said...

Great pictures Toni! My wife and I have gone to Pumpkins in the Park every year, since its inception. We always 'enjoy' ourselves very much. Thanks for 'extending' this year's one for all of us in the 'Pass.


Marcy said...

I actually discovered your blog the other week and quite enjoyed it. Great pumpkin story. My boys are happy as you posted a picture with their pumpkins in it. I look forward to reading more.....
